Homestead Plans
When I began this journey as a landscape designer, it was because my mom gave me a wonderful book called Forest Gardening by a quiet British man named Robert Hart. That was almost 20 years ago, and it’s still the reason I’m here today.
A self sufficient homestead can mean many things. Perhaps it’s about regenerative and sustainable living, food security in uncertain times, or finally achieving the deep level of health found by growing one’s own food and working with our hands on the Earth.
If you’re just looking for a more peaceful home life, surrounded by nourishing things, or you need a hobby farm plan to understand priorities and how to best budget your time, money and energy, I’m here to help.
Small Homestead Plans
It doesn’t take acres of land to create a homestead garden plan or holistic landscape that meets your family’s needs, while being mindful of the planet and your available time. So much can be accomplished by looking to space-saving techniques inspired by centuries-old practices the world over, and reliable homesteads I’ve lived on and helped fine-tune in our region. We all have the same few needs when it comes to a self sufficient homestead plan, and luckily these can line up with nature’s patterns to produce a lasting design that matures gracefully at your unique property.
Hobby Farm Design
Whether you envision a full-stop hobby farm plan with all the pastured animals, fruit trees and bursting vegetable garden, or just want to restore part of the landscape to prairie or woodland without invasive buckthorn and brambles, I’m here to help. A hobby or farm property of any kind shouldn’t have to be all work, all the time. There are simple ways to build soil, store water, and grow healthy animals and plants that can mark the seasons with enjoyable activity rather than desperate toil. It starts with a farm plan that works for you, first. Nature will benefit by default when the right practices are put in place.
Where to Start
Perennial Crops
Growing Hybrid Hazelnuts, Elderberries, Chestnuts and more are quickly becoming the rightful trend in regenerative farming. Here in Minnesota and Wisconsin, we have a unique opportunity to heal farmland while helping our communities. Storing water and carbon in living soils while producing quality food can be duly rewarded when the right layout, management practices, harvesting, storage and marketing strategies are put into place. This all depends on your unique land conditions, available resources and local markets. I’ve helped perennial growers across the Midwest from the Dakotas to Missouri and Wisconsin create perennial crop plans that provide more than just where to plant, but also how to grow a quality product and make a profit. That way, your business and lifestyle can also be a perennial success.
If you’re interested in a professional homestead, farm or perennial crop plan for your Minnesota or Wisconsin property, please fill out the form below to initiate a free phone consultation.